Leading Through Crisis

Episode 1 of our new video blog is here! A Roundtable Discussion.

How a leader responds to a crisis deeply impacts the culture of the organization. It is not so much about how a leader acts in crisis, but about how he or she reacts. A leader’s reaction to crisis will inform people about what is most important and what is inherently valued.

As we all face the current crisis of COVID-19, this is a continuing discussion for leaders. Because we want it to be a discussion we have attempted to talk about it and invite you into the conversation.

This video blog is facilitated by Dr. Rick Sessoms, who holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership from Regent University. Joining with him in this discussion are Freedom to Lead team members John Blausey and Michelle Sessoms who speak from their experiences in the business tech world and in overseas missions.

As you watch, we invite you to engage with your own answers to the following questions:

  1. What are some crises that you have seen leaders face?
  2. What is an example (either positive or negative) of a leader who impacted organization’s culture by way he or she responded to crisis?


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