A Sample of Culture Specific Song

Freedom to Lead International® collaborates with indigenous musicians to produce original songs in local languages that enhance learning about Christ-centered leadership.
Pictured is a Malinke language group from Mali, Francophone Africa.
Here are some samples of music that has been created and recorded in South Asia and Africa.
Conflict is Part of Life
When widows were neglected and didn’t get their food
there was trouble (from Acts 6:1-7)
When leaders wisely gathered And appointed a good team
there was peace
Conflict is a part of life it doesn’t need to produce pain or strife
Peacemakers learn to guide the church to peace and to reconcile
These musicians in Bamako, Mali created this Bambara song to remind leaders of the peacmaking skills they learned through The Garden Project curriculum from Freedom to Lead International. The leaders learn the songs and the songs “help them to live out what they have been taught.” (a quote from one of our indigenous partners in South Asia).
This song is part of an innovative leadership development curriculum from Freedom to Lead International (FTL) that works regardless of literacy level. FTL’s mission is to cultivate competent, Christ-centered leaders through story, symbol and song to unleash their potential for impact local communities with the whole gospel.
The bass guitar and drums were overdubbed after the vocals and balafon (local marimba) were recorded. This group was amazing – they sat in a circle for hours and created three or four songs in a row each day – recording each one on their phones. Then around 3pm they would come in to the makeshift studio and record the songs one after the other. Amazing.
Conflict is Part of Life
Conflict is a normal part of life
It doesn’t have to produce pain or strife
Peacemakers learn to guide the church
to peace and to reconcile
So says the chorus of this Chhattisgarhi song. The verse tells the story of David and Abigail from the Bible. In the story Abigail mediates peace between an offended David and Abigail’s rude and insulting husband, Nabal.
This song is part of an innovative leadership development curriculum from Freedom to Lead International. The curriculum is designed for storycentric learners and is experienced through Story, Symbol and Song.
This song reminds leaders that conflict is normal and sometimes requires a mediator to reestablish peace.