This section on “How To Use This Manual” is included in the Participant’s Manual. Please review this section with the participants.
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We welcome you to The Garden Project of Freedom to Lead International. As you participate in the module we hope you will learn Christ- centered leadership principles that will take root in your ministry. We pray for you as you interact with the leadership principles, ask questions, and learn from various Christ-centered leaders. Throughout our time together you are invited to share in these experiences and explore how you can apply the kind of leadership that Christ models for our ministries.
Session Components
The module sessions contain four components. Some sessions contain all four components, while others do not. It is best to avoid thinking of these as “steps.” They are more like four links in a continuous process. Oftentimes, the participants will not notice moving from one component to the next. No component is marked by routine; each is full of opportunity for discussion and interaction. Yet each of the links in the process has its own – and important – role.
Hook – Focusing Attention: This component, most often at the beginning of the session, prepares the learner for the topic at hand. It gains attention, it surfaces a need, and it leads toward the information to be presented in the following step.
Book – Communicating Content: This component communicates the truth through a biblical story. It engages the learner in the subject at hand. All biblical passages are taken from the ESV and are numbered by verse.
Look – Making Application: This component relates the truth to life. It provides the opportunity to explore general meaning of the truth to everyday life.
Took – Taking Action: This step usually brings the session to a close with action steps. It encourages an application of the truth, motivating the learner to develop a plan of implementing what has been learned, and leading towards specific life change.
Session component icons are on the left side of the page.
Session Activities
Within the four session components are several different activities used to encourage participant interaction. These include small group discussions, large group discussions, role play, and song.
Small Group Discussions – Throughout the module, participants will be divided into smaller groups for discussion and prayer.
Large Group Discussions – Participants will also have large group discussions that involve everyone. It is recommended that participants sit in a circle during these large group discussions in order to encourage interaction.
Personal Reflection – Additionally, participants will have a time for personal reflection.
Role Play – At various times, participants will be asked to participate in role play. Examples include acting out a biblical or contemporary story, or creating a drama that shows how a leadership lesson may apply in one’s specific ministry context.
Song – Throughout the module, songs will be introduced to reinforce the leadership development principles. These songs are developed in the local language, song forms and instruments. The facilitator will play the recorded song for all to hear, and then play the song again, inviting all to sing along. The facilitator should make arrangements for mp3 song files to be copied to participants flash drives or to the mini SD cards on their phones. Facilitators will also have a copy of the song guidelines.
In addition to the icons, there are also images that can be used. These images are in the module sessions and are also in the back of the manual. These images are large enough so that the facilitator can hold them up for participants to see during the sessions.
The primary way that these leadership development principles will be learned is through stories. There are three types of stories that are used throughout the module:
- Biblical Story – These stories are from the Bible.
- Current Story – This is a story, usually fictional, that takes place in modern day situations in specific areas of ministry.
- Life Story – These are true stories from people’s lives. Both the facilitator and participants will be invited to share Life Stories.