Online Christ-centered Leadership Training
If yes, the online Christ-centered leadership training is for you! We created it through
A competent Christ-centered leader is one who seeks to show the care towards others that Jesus did, and to live by his teachings. To be this leader is to be bold, steadfast, and make sure others know they are valued and cared for.
Jesus’ leadership wasn’t one of control or power: It was about building self-worth and character. So, competent Christ-centered leadership helps people embrace their faith and all God created them to be. Leaders who live, speak, and act in this way inspire others to walk in their calling with unfettered authenticity and the spirit of God.
Is this the leader you want to be?

What you will learn in the online training
With over 20 hours of content, this training is for pastors, elders, deacons, and anyone who is a leader in their local church or wants to become one.
Dr. Rick Sessoms Ph.D. from Freedom to Lead International® takes you through four courses online Christ-centered leadership training courses:
- Leading a Healthy Church: What it means to be a Christ-centered leader
- Leading Teams with CARE: How to encourage teamwork in the church. (includes the C.A.R.E. profile)
- Leading Change: Strategies for change in the church
- Peacemaking: How conflict and leadership intersect.
You can learn more about the program, and enroll in it ($249), at

Leading a Healthy Church
What it means to be a Christ-centered leader.

Leading Teams with CARE
How to encourage teamwork in the church.

Leading Change
Strategies for change in the church

How conflict and leadership intersect.
There is also a free online training seminar available that will give you a feel for what Dr. Rick Sessoms covers in the Certificate.
Please email for more information on this free seminar.